
The Invisible Man

Lisa Thomas • Jul 05, 2023

So, did you hear the one about the guy who thought he was invisible? Seems he decided to fake his own death then show up at his funeral in a helicopter.

Although that sounds like the set-up for what has to be a really great punchline, it actually happened not long ago in Belgium. David Baerten felt as though his extended family and friends had forgotten him. They never reached out anymore. No one ever invited him to gatherings. It was as though he no longer existed . . . as though he was invisible to them. So, with the help of his wife and children (‘cause it’s less challenging to enlist their aid than it is to fool them, too), Baerten faked his own death. I’d like to have heard that conversation. His daughter even went all in, taking to social media to express her grief over the loss of her beloved father.

Then came the day of the funeral. 

As those in attendance watched, a helicopter touched down and Baerten got out—along with a film crew to document the momentous occasion of his return from the dead because, of course, why wouldn’t you? At first everyone was confused. I mean, how many times have you attended a funeral and someone arrived by helicopter? The confusion turned to shock when Baerten stepped out . . . and then to joy at what seemed to be a miracle. There were lots of hugs and happy tears. And I’m pretty sure some folks who wanted to punch him when they finally realized what he’d done.

TikTok, where much of this played out compliments of a video shot and uploaded by someone at the service, had thoughts on the matter. Actually, they had more than thoughts. They had comments, many of which were not at all kind toward Baerten, some even saying it was no wonder people didn’t want to be around him if this was his idea of a prank, and asking if perhaps he expected everyone else to do the reaching. But Baerten contended he only wished to teach a very valuable lesson to those who supposedly cared about him. 

“. . . I wanted to give them a life lesson, and show them that you shouldn’t wait until someone is dead to meet up with them.”


Whether you agree with David Baerten’s method or not, he has a very valid point. The world is busy. Our lives are busy. And it’s so easy to forget the people around us. Even easier to forget those who are distant in miles but should be closer in heart. How many times have we put off a call or a visit “until tomorrow” only to wake up tomorrow and find we’ve lost the chance? 

We may not like how David Baerten did it or approve of the emotional and mental game he played, but he’s right about one thing. You shouldn’t wait until someone is dead to meet up with them . . .

About the author:  Lisa Shackelford Thomas is a fourth-generation member of a family that’s been in funeral service since 1926.  She has been employed at Shackelford Funeral Directors in Savannah, Tennessee for over 45 years and currently serves as the manager there.  Any opinions expressed here are hers and hers alone and may or may not reflect the opinions of other Shackelford family members or staff.

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