Obituary Listing

Margaret Elizabeth Ballard

Margaret Elizabeth Ballard

Jan 28, 2005

Margaret Elizabeth Ballard, 82, of Rogers Springs, died Friday,January 28, 2005 at Jackson-Madison County General Hospital.The wife of Wade Ballard, who survives, she retired as a psychiatric aide at Western State Mental Health Institute. Mrs. Ballard was born August 19, 1922in Miss., daughter of the late Roy and Kate Doughty Wells. She was a former member of the VFW Auxiliary...

Katherine Jourdan Vandiver

Katherine Jourdan Vandiver

Jan 23, 2005

Katherine Jourdan Vandiver, 78, of Bolivar, died Sunday, January 23, 2005 at Jackson-Madison County General Hospital.The daughter of the late Richard and Lula Ethel Waldraven Laughlin, she was a homemaker. Ms. Vandiver was born April 21, 1926 in Delphia, Alabama and lived most of her life around Bolivar, making her home in Jackson for the past six years. She was...

Lois Rowland Reaves

Lois Rowland Reaves

Jan 21, 2005

Lois Rowland Reaves, 85, of Middleton, died Friday, January 21, atPine Meadows Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center.The widow of James Edward Reaves, who died July 17, 1979, shewas a homemaker. Mrs. Reaves was born July 28, 1919 in Walnut,Miss., to the late Wylie Leland Rowland and Flossie MartindaleRowland, and lived all of her life in the Middleton and Walnutarea. She was...

Helen S. Stahl

Helen S. Stahl

Jan 21, 2005

Helen S. Stahl, of Hornsby, died Friday, January 21, at Bolivar General Hospital.The widow of Tola Steve Stahl, who died in April of 1981, she was a homemaker and lived most of her life in Memphis, moving to Hornsby in 1999. She was a member of the McLemore Ave. Presbyterian Church where she was very active in her early years...

Mamie D. Carter

Mamie D. Carter

Jan 20, 2005

Mamie D. Carter, 98, of Jackson, died Thursday, January 20 atNHC Heathcare in Milan.The widow of Clyde William Carter, who died Sept. 4, 1974, shewas a homemaker. Mrs. Carter was born December 25, 1906 inRogers Springs, daughter of the late Thomas Jefferson Durham andSarah Jane Ward Durham. She lived in Saulsbury during her earlylife, made her home in Jackson in...

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